We went to baby views last Thursday for Corbin's 28-week 4D ultrasound. I knew he was much bigger than Caroline at this age, but I had no idea a little over a pound bigger. He is weighing a little over 3 pound, give or take a few ounces. He looked wonderful and he was measuring big all over, so he didn't just have a big head, little body, everything was proportioned perfect so far. He has lots of the same facial features as Caroline, but everything is just chunkier. His cheeks were so fat already. He was measuring about 30.5 weeks, so Shea (ultrasound professional) thinks he will be here the end of July. All I can say is YIKES, we have not ordered furniture, bedding, etc. Shea didn't get as many pics as she wanted because halfway through he flipped over on this tummy and all we could see was the back of his head and shoulders. The umbilical cord was draped over his face in some of the pictures, he kept sucking on it. As of Thursday he was head down, but I think he can still flip back and forth until he gets a little bigger. Hope everyone enjoys the sweet pictures of Corbin.
aww how cool! Ultrasounds have really come a long way since I had a baby...
I found your blog a while back through a friend of a friend. I hope you don't mind! :0) Caroline is just precious & so are these pics of Corbin! I just loved my 4D ultrasound! Have a great day!
He's a cutie and a boy FOR SURE!
you are almost to the 30 weeks. can't believe it!
Corbin is going to be a big baby!
I love the ultrasound picture's.
I think his face looks like Caroline's face.
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