I am in still in shock when I type Corbin is already 6 months old!! What, he is already halfway to being one :( I always thought the first child the time would go by fastest, but for me it just seems like Corbin was a newborn yesterday. He is the BEST baby!! The only time my little man ever lets out a cry is when he is really hungry and I can't get his bottle fast enough or when he is ready for a nap!! Corbin got his first bottom tooth on Jan. 13th, 2010.
Corbin's 6-month stats: Corbin got a perfect report at his 6-month checkup.
Weight: 15 lbs 5 oz (10-25%) I knew he was much smaller than Caroline at this age, but eats double what she ate at this age. I looked back at Caroline's 6 month stats and she was 17 lbs 6.5 oz
Height: 26 1/8 (50%) Corbin is taller than Caroline at this age, she was 25.5 inches
Head 17 1/8 inches (25-50%)
Things Corbin is doing at 6-months:
He smiles and coos ALL the time. Corbin's has such a precious smile, that I can't help but smile even bigger back at him. He brings me such joy everyday with that heart melting smile. He loves to giggle anytime he is tickled. Corbin is ticklish everywhere!!
He is rolling all over the floor from all directions. He isn't really trying to crawl, but will get on his back and push backwards with his legs and if he is on his tummy he will try to push off with his feet. He loves to watch Caroline play and his favorite is when she gets down on his level and plays with him on the floor. Corbin is constantly getting toys brought to him by Caroline, so I think he may take his time learning to crawl, since big sister does everything for him :)
Corbin sleeps 10-12 hours during the night. We sometimes have to put his paci in, if he wakes in the middle of the night. He usually takes 2-3 naps a day. Corbin's nap schedule is not as predictable as Caroline's at this age because we usually just take him out and about ALOT more than we did Caroline as a baby. He is so good, he will fall asleep anywhere, no matter the noise level. He takes 5 bottles a day and is drinking about 32-34 oz of formula a day. Corbin LOVES to eat. I started solids with him around 5 months and he has never turned anything down. He usually has fruits with oatmeal for breakfast, a veggie for lunch and a veggie and small fruit for dinner. When, I put him in his chair to eat, he will whine the whole time while I am trying to get it ready and he attacks the spoon to eat!! I love feeding him because Caroline never was a fan of eating baby food, so I had to constantly force her to eat. Corbin eats every bite and I am scrapping the bowl for every little ounce that is left. I hope he continues with the good eating habits and I only have one picky eater on my hands.
Corbin favorite thing is his bath. He will play in the bath until his little feet and fingers start to look like prunes. He loves to splash water everywhere!!
Corbin, Mommy and Daddy want you to know that you are such a great addition to our family and we love you soooo much!! You fit perfect in our life and we are so lucky to have you as our son!!
1 comment:
Baby Corbin is so cute!
He has got so big and has changed so much.
I love all his pictures.
The one in the high chair is so cute, he looks grown up!!!
I just can't wait to see him again.
And give him and sweet Caroline lot's of loving.
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