I can't believe I am even having to put this kind of entry on the blog, but I know we will want it in the scrapbook years from now.
Waiting in the ER, it got much worse as the night went on due to swelling.
David and I took advantage of Lelly taking care of the kids, so we went to run some errands kid free. We were on our last stop at Target in West Little Rock. Fortunately, David dropped me off front since it was very crowded being a few days from Christmas. The robbery took place at 5:30 pm on a Sunday night, so it had just gotten dark. After shopping for 5-10 minutes, I headed over to electronics to meet David (that is where we agreed to meet). I had left my phone in his truck, so I couldn't call to find out where he was. I started hearing Amy Kellar come to the front of the store, (not Amy Kelly). I really didn't pay a lot of attention since they were saying Amy Kellar. Then, I started to notice all the employees running around with their two ways saying "did you find her"? I could not find David in electronics, so then my heart sank as I kept hearing "Amy Kellar come to the front of the store". I went up front to see if they were meaning Amy Kelly instead of Amy Kellar. They told me that David had been mugged as he was getting out of his truck in the parking lot. They told me he was very beat up, but was going to be fine. I had so many emotions going through my head, so I ran straight to the parking lot and found David with a very blood left side of his face. I can't believe I didn't go into labor, but I tried to remain calm. Three black males were involved, one put a gun up to David's side as he was getting out of his truck, the other punched him in the face. The third guy remained in the car to drive off once they were done. They stole my cell phone and David's wallet. At this point, a Little Rock detective had pulled in to shop and saw it happen. He chased after the car and got up to 80 miles per hour on Chenal Parkway and they were pointing guns out the window, so he backed off. But, he was on the phone with police the whole time and then police took over the chase. The car pulled over in a neighborhood and all three men ran off in all different directions in a nearby neighborhood. They abandoned their car and were not caught. However, the car was towed to the impound and was registered under a lady's name. So, the police will eventually catch them. One of the males left their pay check stub from where he works, so probably not the smartest move on their part, but good news for us. David and I went to the ER and he had three stitches in his eyelid and they did a CT scan. The scan came back normal. He still almost two weeks later has a very black eye, but it is starting to heal just fine. It could of been so much worse, of course we think what would of happened if I had been in the car, the kids could of been in the car. We are just glad that everyone is safe and everything that was taken from us is replaceable.
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