Future surfer, this boy could not get enough of the ocean, as Caroline would be dramatic if a piece of seaweed touched her foot :)
Beach babe
Loved pushing his trucks in the ocean.
This was the picture I took of us about to head out on a Friday night at 11 pm. We were packed to the max with stuff!!
We had just arrived and the kids were ready for the beach, mommy and daddy were ready for a nap.
My three little beach bums!!
Getting ready for dinner at the Oyster House
Just another day headed down to the beach :)
This was our typical morning layout while we were getting bags backed for the beach and eating breakfast!!
Caroline begging mommy to go to the beach, this mama had been awake for 36 plus hours!!
Happy Cohen just relaxing in his bumbo while we unload and get all set up.
View from our room
Handsome little beach bum, too bad he didn't get too much beach time since he wanted to sleep in the nice air conditioning the whole time.
First night there we had dinner at Sea n Suds.
David with his little side kick.
Caroline took this picture of David needing a margarita after the day we had.
Family dinner, we were the talk of the place having kids so close. I know people have three kids all the time, but 3 in 2.5 years with no twins including is just insanity.
Caroline trying an oyster for the first time.
And she liked it.
First time to go to the beach at night in Gulf Shores.
Cohen's first time to the beach ever.
A little late pool time before we all CRASHED after our long first day!!
Good morning day two, Cohen is just playing.
Corbin is obsessed with the sink and washing his hand.
Miss Sassy says it is time for the beach.
They did this for hours everyday.
Cohen only lasted about 30 minutes to a hour max.
Mommy snuck away for a quick drink :)
Our daily set up with our tent.
Just two parents trying to keep their sanity on a 7-day beach vacation with three kids 3 and under. But, we did survive :)
Our daily beach pictures as we played in the ocean.
Corbin was obsessed with the seagulls.
This is the one and only 20 minute nap he took the whole trip.
Daddy helping the kiddos build a sandcastle.
Getting all ready for bed after a long day :)
Caroline up and dancing way too early before we head down to the beach.
Love this little man!!
Our wonderful daddy and husband that makes our world everyday :)
Family beach shot before we start playing for the day.
Handsome daddy!!
Cohen fighting his sleep, but it was a no go we had to head up to the room to put him down for a nap.
Caroline holding on to dear life to daddy because of seaweed or jellyfish, who knows :) ?
Getting ready to enjoy dinner at Lulu's.
My precious babies minus Cohen, he was actually sleeping!!
We loved this place, so kid friendly!!
Waiting for our yummy food as we listen to a Jimmy Buffet style band.
Look who woke up to join us.
No fear of anything!!
Getting ready to go ride go carts.
Passed out 5 minutes after leaving the go carts.
This is by far one of my favorite pictures from vacation, it just sums up everyone's personality.
He would never leave the ocean if we didn't make him.
Bye, bye Gulf Shores it was fun!!
David and I decided very last minute to take the kids to Gulf Shores, Alabama for a little vacation. We got a great deal right on the water with a 3 bedroom 3 bath condo. It was a perfect setup for our family. David and I had our private master bedroom with a bath. Cohen had his own room, which was a big deal because he was still in our room at home. He slept through the night for the first time on vacation in his Phil and Ted's travel bed. We had a wonderful time and made many memories. I would not say it was a vacation for David and I since the kiddos went nonstop. But, they had fun and that is all that matters. I would say the biggest challenge we faced was Cohen's nap schedule, he would not sleep for anything down in the the tent cabana we made for him. So, David and I took shifts staying in the condo while Cohen took naps, which wasn't fun since we could look off the balcony and see everyone below having fun :) We decided to drive all night on the way there and on the way back, it was ideal because the kids slept almost the whole time. David and I were walking zombies, but we are so used too little sleep, it only phased us for a day or so. We ate at the condo some and went out to dinner too!! As all of our close friends and family know our kids are on a very structured scheduled and that is just impossible on vacation and especially when it was just David and I with no extra set of hands. So, I think the kids did great and we look forward to our next Kelly adventure!!!
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