November 2013 Family Photo

November 2013 Family Photo

Thursday, July 31, 2008

We LOVE our monkey!!!

David and I have recently been calling Caroline our little monkey. We have no idea where it came from but that is her nickname for now!! Caroline is meeting her grandparents from Florida this week, so we will have lots of new pics soon!! Here is a sweet one I took yesterday!!


Anonymous said...

She is just precious,Amy!
Enjoy her being this small b/c before you know it she'll be crawling all over the place and you won't be able to hold her much! Katherine is all over the place now & won't sit still for long!
I miss getting to cuddle with her!
She'll, at least, let me cuddle with her @ night!

Stacia said...

Beautiful! Little Monkey, like that =)

HeltonTexas said...

pretty lips Caroline! What a cutie!

Anonymous said...


Caroline is beautiful!!!!
I love seeing all her picture's
and reading all about her.
And I sometimes call Jack Henry
my little monkey when I am keeping him because he wants me to carry him a lot. And he will be 2 years old next month!

Anonymous said...

Amy I am sorry I knew yur BD was August. My how she is growing. I have got to see her. SO PRECIOUS I hope things get better i know u and David and Caroline need sleep. I will pray for u Love u all I love u Aunt Dorothy