Cohen Matthew arrived on January 3rd, 2011 at 2:17 pm. Cohen was 7 lbs 4 oz 19 1/4 inches long. My doctor induced me at 38.5 weeks because I was already 3-4 cm and 90% effaced. David and I checked in at 5 am and they began getting everything ready. I would of delivered around 10 am, but Dr. H decided to wait until after lunch due to a few emergency deliveries of other patients. Luckily, I had another super easy delivery, the only thing different was that Cohen was face up and no matter how much Dr. H tried to turn him, he wasn't not going to turn. I pushed for about 4-5 minutes and met sweet Cohen. The nurse gave Cohen a 9 apgar at 1 and 5 minutes. He is perfect and so far a really good baby!! David and I stayed two nights in the hospital. They wanted to discharge us after the first night, but since insurance would pay for it, we took advantage of one more night of the hospital. Being a mom of three, I knew that was the most rest I would get for a long time. We are so thankful that David's mom flew in on December 15th and stayed with us until January 15th. Lelly kept Caroline and Corbin while we were in the hospital. Also, Aunt Sarah was able to get two days off in a row, so she was such a huge help with the kids. Plus, I was so happy she could be in the delivery room for the third time :)
Aunt Sarah aka delivery room photographer and push coach along with David.
Oops, didn't put them in perfect order. One last picture as a pregnant momma!!
Getting all cleaned up!!
It is way too bright in here.
1 comment:
Congratulations!!! He is beautiful!!!
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