November 2013 Family Photo

November 2013 Family Photo

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Corbin 18-month checkup stat!!

18-month stats:

Weight 28 lbs 4 oz 79%

Height 34 inches 91%

Head Circumferenc 19 inches 64%

What is Corbin up to at 18 months:


Corbin LOVES to eat!!! Caroline was always my picky eater. But, Corbin eats all of his food and sometimes Caroline's leftovers. He gets so excited about eating :) Some of Corbin's favorite foods are:

kiwi, blueberries, green beans, hot dogs (turkey dogs), cheese, yogurt, BLUEBERRY PANCAKES, cottage cheese, turkey, and pizza. The list could go on and on, he really doesn't turn anything away :)

Some of Corbin's favorite words:

Beby (baby)


Mooommaa!! (Corbin always changes his voice and smiles when he says my name-heart melting)



Bye, bye




Pacakes (pancakes)




Teetee ( he hears us ask Caroline a thousand times a day if she needs to go tee tee)

There are new words every day!! Corbin tries to do and say anything Caroline does. He loves to dance and attempt to sing to any music that he hears. Corbin is probably one of the funniest and happiest toddlers around. He has a lot of molars coming in right now and is dealing with it very well. He is just chewing on his fingers. Luckily, it hasn't affected his sleep. Corbin understands basic commands when I ask him to do things and loves to be a "helper". This is probably TMI, but this is my journal for myself to remember these crazy toddler days. Corbin loves POOP!! I am guessing it is a boy thing, because Caroline never did this. If, he takes a poopy in his crib, then he will dig his hands in the back of his diaper and pull it out. Therefore, we are left with a really big mess if I let him sit in his crib for a few minutes. Corbin gets multiple baths on a daily basis due to this. Not to mention he has a massive poop each morning before he wakes and leaks out of an overnight diaper and I also cover it with one of Caroline's pull-ups. All I can say is he is a nasty boy when it comes to that!! Right when I walk in to get him, he will instantly start saying "shh, wee" because that is all I say as I am cleaning up the mess.

This age is so fun but so challenging because he wants to be way more independent than he really is. For example, he thinks he needs to walk everywhere because Caroline does. Never wants me to hold him or put him in a stroller when we are out and about. Now, at home all he wants me to do is hold him, especially when I am holding Cohen.


Takes one nap after lunch, usually 2-3 hours

Sleeps 10-12 at night

Corbin is a great sleeper, 99.9% of the time.

Happy 18-months Corbin!! Mommy loves you and I am looking forward to all the new things you will learn as you approach the wonderful world of 2's.

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