Caroline's 4-month check-up went great on Friday!! I am still in shock that my baby girl is already 4-months old. She tolerated her shots very well. She was a little fussy right before bed, but that is pretty typically for Miss Priss.
Weight: 14 lb 3 oz. 50 percentile
Height: 24.5 inches 50-75 percentile
Head: 39 cm 25th percentile
Somethings that Caroline is doing at 4-months:
Sleeping: We start the bedtime routine between 8-9pm. She is usually asleep no later than 9:15 pm. She isn't sleeping through the night anymore, but usually just wakes up once between 2:30-4:30 for a feeding and goes back to sleep until 7-8 am.
Naps: We are still working on that, but she usually gets two decent naps (lasting 1 to 2 hours), then maybe a couple of cat naps (lasting 30-45 minutes).
Eating: She takes her bottle every 3-3.5 hours during the day, she is drinking 6 oz. We are working on feeding her rice cereal with a spoon. She doesn't love it yet, but I know she will soon.
She is getting to be such a happy baby, she was very fussy those first few months. She giggles, coos, happy screams and many other sweet noises. She really likes her jumperoo, doorway jumper and activity mat. She loves to touch your face and just explore your nose, lips, and eyes. Caroline loves to grab toys and put them straight in her mouth. She loves her little silky blanket at bedtime and nap time. She isn't a huge fan of tummy time, but will tolerate it. She has rolled over a couple of times. She prefers to go from back to tummy instead of tummy to back. David and I are just amazed everyday what a miracle and true blessing Caroline is to our family!! She loves her puppies. She will just stare at Katie and Lacey forever. We love you more than you will ever know Monkey :)
I am so happy sweet Caroline is going so good now.
I know you are having so much fun with her.
And that she is sleeping better.
Now you get to really enjoy motherhood!
She is a blessing.
way to go Caroline!
Keep up the good work!
And, Next time you don't want any shots, you just call 1-800-HeltonTexas. We will distract them.
Bless her heart~ I always dreaded the shots for Jacob. Glad things are better =)
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