November 2013 Family Photo

November 2013 Family Photo

Thursday, August 27, 2009


I am so sorry for the lack of post!! Please don't give up on our blog. I will be back in full swing soon. It is very demanding to have both babies and try to work full time from home. I am just trying to get into a routine at the moment. Corbin is doing good. He did give us a scare last week and got dehydrated and had to spend the night at Children's. Caroline is a wonderful big sister and just still amazes me everyday at how much she is learning. Check back in on us soon and I hope to have lots of pictures. David's mom was here for close to two weeks and I took full advantage and got some rest. However, it doesn't take long to get worn down again. Corbin is very gassy and has really bad reflux, so that can make for some very long nights. When, he naps during the day, Caroline is going full throttle. I would love for some encouraging words from any moms out there with children so close, it is wearing me down. However, I know how blessed I am to have two beautiful children. I know we are truly blessed from the Lord above, but I am just a TIRED mommy at the moment!!!


Burtons Blessings said...

I don't have any advice but if you ever need a break let me know! Things will get easier soon@

the day's said...

hey girl, hang in there...vivian and bauer are two years apart and even thought the first year was rough...they are best friends!! just remember to take a moment and think about how fast caroline's first year flew by...they will be running and playing together before you know it. we will keep you and the whole crew in our prayers!! :)

Susan said...

It's so good seeing you in the mornings at LLA. Caroline always looks so cute. LOVE the header pictures. ADORABLE!