Playing with the fruit at the River Market station

Playing at the vet station. She would love to do this to Katie and Lacey, but I don't think they would go for it :)
She loves playing with herself and making faces in the mirror.

Crawling as fast as she can to get the alligator :)

Peek-a-Boo, I see you!!

She loved the water station, notice in the background I removed her pants. Good thing, she got soaked from all the splashing.
Caroline and I decided to go to the Wonderplace at the very last minute!! She LOVED it!! I can't wait to take her back. She was crawling on all fours, not scooting like she does at home. I think she was showing off for the big kids that were there :) I see many fun playdates in the future there.
It is obvious she had a BALL there! I wish we had a place like that! And Corbin is a great name. How exciting! :)
I take Jack Henry to the Wonder Place.
we love it there and I can tell
Miss. Caroline was having so much fun!
It is such a great place for kids
to have fun!!
We've never been to the WonderPlace. Let us know next time ya'll go. Love the name Corbin too by the way.
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