What is Caroline doing at 10 months?? It might be easier to list what she isn't doing :) She is a very busy little girl. She goes 110 percent from the time she wakes up to her naptime or bedtime.
*She has 5 top teeth coming in, not very much sleep going on around the Kelly house.
*She is trying to walk so bad. She can pull herself up from a sitting to a standing position without holding onto anything.
*She loves to bend down and pick up a toy and stand all alone for a few second.
*Caroline tries to mimic so many things we do.
*She has the sweetest wave and says "HIII" in her own way. She also says Thank You, but only mommy and daddy would probably know what she is saying :) She is just babbling non-stop.
*She has gotten very attached to her blankey, if we get her out of her crib, she reaches down to grab it. She will crawl all over the house with it always in one hand. What is funny, David and I both had security blankets as babies.
* I mean the second she hears the bath water or we say "Bath time" she does the fastest crawl ever to her bathroom, she loves bath time.
*She is really starting to love to sit down and actually flip through pages of her books instead of trying to eat them.
*She is eating so much better since her ear tub procedure.
*She is so inquisitive about how thing are put together, taken apart, etc.
I know there are things that my pregnancy brain is forgetting. But, she is literally growing before our eyes. We love you Monkey!!
I love the update on sweet Caroline!
She has grown up so much.
And she will be walking before you know it.
Wow! Look at her stand up!! Benjamin just now mastered sitting up, and he's scooting, but not crawling yet... Caroline, the little speedster, needs to come show him how it's done! ;) ha ha! Love all the family pics!
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