November 2013 Family Photo

Saturday, October 30, 2010
Cohen Matthew-4D ultrasound 28-weeks
David and I went to babyviews for Cohen's 4D ultrasound. I was right at 28 weeks. He is measuring about 2 weeks ahead, which is normal for all of my pregnancies. Cohen is very, very low, just like my other two babies. He is estimated to be right at 3 pounds and he is all legs. Cohen's legs were in the 87 percentile. Everything looked very healthy, so we are now just going to wait about 8-10 weeks to meet our precious little boy!! Caroline is very ANXIOUS, every morning she says "Is Cohen coming out of your belly today?" Corbin doesn't know what is about to happen :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Corbin 15-month checkup
Weight 27 lb 3 oz-95th percentile
Height 33 inches-95 percentile
Head 18 3/4 inches-75th percentile
Corbin had a great 15-month checkup. The doctor said he was perfect in every way!! He is for sure a big boy.
Here are some things Corbin is doing at 15 months:
* Sleeping 10-12 hours at night
* Taking one 2-3 hour nap daily
* Loves his blanky and paci
*Loves his "sissy"
*Will eat almost anything around. Some of his favorites are oranges, cheese, yogurt, green beans to name just a few.
*Drinks 16 oz of milk on a daily basis, unless he is teething
*Currently has 8 teeth, with 8 more all coming in at the same time.
*Goes to Mother's Day Out three days a week at the church from 9-2 and loves it!!
*Follows Caroline around to play, but also loves to play independently by himself
*Words that he will say: Dora, Dada, Mama, Sissy, Bye, Hi, Home, Cheese, Juice, Dog and new ones are coming everyday.
*Loves to make animal sounds such as cow, pig, duck, dog :)
*Can point to his basic body parts: Ears, nose, belly, feet, toes, mouth, and head.
*Very strong-willed, just like Caroline.
*The difference I see at this point in having a boy and girl is that Caroline is much more dramatic. I think a lot of that is age plus being a little girl.
*Loves to dance, starts dancing anytime he hears music.
*Overall, a very happy little boy. But, we do sometimes see the red head tantrums come out for awhile.
*Can point to his basic body parts: Ears, nose, belly, feet, toes, mouth, and head.
*Very strong-willed, just like Caroline.
*The difference I see at this point in having a boy and girl is that Caroline is much more dramatic. I think a lot of that is age plus being a little girl.
*Loves to dance, starts dancing anytime he hears music.
*Overall, a very happy little boy. But, we do sometimes see the red head tantrums come out for awhile.
October Randoms
I am doing my best to keep the blog up more and more these days before another sweet newborn arrives in our house and things get even crazier!! Plus, after receiving my hard copies of blog books, it has made me realize what a wonderful scrapbook this really is of our daily lives. Something all three kids will be able to look through many years down the road :) October has been very busy with lots of Fall Carnivals, festivals, etc.
Mommy with her sweet boy (Corbin is 14 months in this picture) and mommy is 27 weeks prego with Cohen.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Arkansas State Fair 2010
We took the kids to the Arkansas State Fair on a Monday during the day (Columbus Day) because David had the day off. It was free admission until 1pm and $1.00 rides. We ate a lot of yummy fair food. Caroline and Corbin's favorite part was the petting zoo area. Corbin was cracking up at the baby goats. He could of stayed in there all day. They were both not happy when it was time to leave, but we all four needed naps :)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Caroline's first tricycle
Caroline got her first official tricycle last week!! Perfect timing for the beautiful fall weather :) We are still trying to master the pedaling technique as opposed to the pushing with the feet technique. I wanted to get her the pink one, but we decided on the red, so the brothers can ride it when Caroline gets a real bike.
Skatium Anything on Wheels
Once a month the local skating ring has anything on wheels for toddlers. It is on a Friday from 10-12 and everyone brings their favorite toy on wheels. This was our first time and it was really fun, except for Corbin kept trying to open the front door. So, I was constantly chasing him back and forth. They even had the lights dim and the disco ball with fun music playing :)
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