A couple of weekends ago, Stephanie and Graham came over for a Saturday afternoon playdate. We had so much fun!! Graham was a little fussy, we thought maybe it was his teeth, but no teeth for Graham yet :) I think he was a little overwhelmed at Caroline. She wouldn't not leave him alone for a second. She was grabbing his face, paci and everything else she could get her hands on. I can't wait for Graham to get as mobile as Caroline, he is going to give her a run for her money. Graham is only two months behind Caroline, so any day now he will show her who is boss. Also, Graham is 5 months old today, so Happy 5 months Graham!! We are planning a zoo date for this Saturday, we are so excited!!
1 comment:
Miss. Caroline is just so cute with Graham!
I love the pictures!
I just wonder what she was thinking.
You will have to show the pictures to them when they are in their teens!!
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