November 2013 Family Photo

November 2013 Family Photo

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

One week yesterday!!!

One-week old

I can't believe sweet Caroline was one week old yesterday!! This is Amy actually finding some energy to make my fingers move and type. I assume my husband has taken over the blog world for the time being. He is having so much doing it :) Just a quick update. Caroline's birth weight was 6 lbs 14 oz. Last Thursday, it was 6 lbs 7 oz, and for her one week weigh in yesterday, she was back up to 6 lbs 12 oz. So, it looks like she is gaining an ounce per day. She loves to eat, so I wasn't surprised with the great news of her being so close to her birth weight. In the next few weeks, we will start to see lots and lots of fat rolls, I can't wait!! I promise I will get around to writing my thoughts on childbirth before Caroline turns 1 :) Here is a sweet picture while we were waiting for the doctor to come see her yesterday. Also, she was a little jaundice last week and he said her coloring was so much better yesterday.


Anonymous said...

Oh Amy, she is an absolute doll! Can you believe she's finally here??
I know you & David are so proud!
Keep the princess pictures coming!

the day's said...

she looks like a baby doll! vivian said, "mommy, look at the tiny tiny baby. she is sooo beautiful!" i couldn't have said it better myself! :)