Caroline turned 5 months on Sunday. Wow, how time really does fly!!! She is so active these days, I know I have no idea what active is until she starts crawling and walking. She is so vocal, always talking, wonder who she gets that from??!! She is still having 5-6 bottles per day with 6-8 oz. She usually has oatmeal and a stage 1 fruit for breakfast and some sort of veggie for dinner. I will probably increase her solids at 6 months. She is sleeping so great at night, anywhere from 10-12 hours (David and I love it)!! She usually takes two really good naps per day!! Anytime I put her on a mat or the floor, she scoots all around. She can sit up by herself, but sometimes gets really excited and loses her balance!! We fall more and more in love with her everyday!! Here are some pics from this past weekend!!
I cannot believe how fast time flies!! It's crazy!
the colors I got for graham are:
Barn Red
Olive Green
Navy Blue
Baby Blue
Chocolate Brown
Mocha Brown
Now his head is sure to stay nice and toasty! although it makes his hair fall out! but i guess it's time since it never did fall out like I heard that it should.
Why is time flying by so fast??? Cute little elf in training!
Amy, I love all of her pictures!!
Caroline is so very pretty!!
I love the one of Lacey giving her a kiss.
Such a pretty little girl! I love the socks =)
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