Well, we finally got Caroline's molding helmet for her flat spot on the left side. As you may all recall from an earlier post that Caroline was born with flattening on her left side. She got stuck on my pelvic bone for three months when she made the big flip from breech. After three months, we had noticed zero improvement. So, we finally got the helmet. She is supposed to wear it 23 hours a day, but that is so hard to do. Her poor head sweats so bad. We give her many helmet off breaks during the day. I tried to take some pictures of the flat side, but it looks normal in pictures. It weighs 6 oz, which doesn't seem like a lot but if you had just learned not to be a bobble head you would understand :) Anytime she has pressure off of that left side, I usually let her have a break. We always make her sleep in it. No matter how I lay her down, anytime I go to check on her she is always laying on that flat side, well now it is nice because the helmet is there. If there happens to be brain and head growth, the helmet is in place. I haven't taken too many pics with it on. But, here are a few, the first couple of days after we got it. She has had it for almost three weeks.
at least it is cute and PINK!
The helmet is not bad @ all!!
Let me give you some advice, from experience........If the doc said for her to wear it for 23 hours then I certainly would. The reason I say this is b/c I was just like you & let Katherine have breaks from her brace! Well, needless to say, she is still in it @ 15 months of age!!!!! Yes, it is only @ night now but if I would have been more strict (they don't know & don't care,its us)and made Katherine wear hers for 23 hours (like they told me,as well) she would be brace free!!
I am not trying to be bossy but I just don't want you to go through what we are going through. She can now, take it off by herself & that can be frustrating.
How long did they say she would have to wear the helmet??
I know you will make her wear it but I just felt so bad that I would let her have hour breaks @ a time & he really got on to me. She may have to have surgery now b/c of me. He said that if it is not corrected @ her 16 month visit.........she will be in a body cast. Her bones were more flexible when she was younger & the brace COULD'VE fixed it!!!
Sorry that I am rambling, I just wanted to tell you! Hope I haven't hurt your feelings, I am actually venting on myself right now!
She is the most adorable little girl! Her smile is priceless Amy!!!
I didn't even know helments could come in pink! You are a wonderful mom doing what's best for your precious little girl. :)
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