Yesterday, my sweet Caroline was six months old!! I am a little sad how fast she is growing, but it is amazing watching her do new things everyday!! We went to a new pediatrician in the same clinic and we LOVED her. Thanks to my good friend Stephanie for referring us. Dr. Ahart was amazing!! She sat and talked to us for almost a hour. I had lots of questions and she was more than willing to take the time and answer them. She was very impressed because Caroline sat up unsupported the whole time, while we visited. Caroline had to get three shots, two in one leg and one in the other. She didn't even cry at all. She started to get a little red in the face on the second one, but then she looked at her mommy and daddy and just smiled real big!! Caroline's weight was 17.6 pounds (75th percentile), her height was 25.5 inches (40th percentile), her head was in the 20th percentile. I think she is a little longer than that, but it took three of us just to get her to lay there for a second, she kept trying to turn over on her tummy. She is just a wiggle worm. Here are some things that Caroline is doing at 6 months:
She sits up all by herself for very long periods of time.
She will scoot to get to a toy that she wants.
She has 4-6 bottles during the day with about 6-7 oz. She would drink 8 oz, but her reflux is still pretty bad and it will just come right back up.
She eats 2-3 jars of stage 2 baby foods.
We always give her oatmeal in the mornings with a fruit, she will have a vegetable for lunch and usually a veggie and fruit for dinner. We have given her some water with very little juice and she loves it.
With the exception of a few nights, she sleep from 8-8:30 usually wakes at 6am for bottle, then goes right back to sleep until 8:30 or 9am.
Caroline takes great naps, that was a huge accomplishment from month 4 until now. She will usually take two very good ones that will last from 1-3 hours. She will sometimes take a third cat nap around 5pm, but that is completely up to her.
She puts everything in her mouth and loves to pick up and touch everything and anything.
Caroline still has no teeth, I know it will be any day now.
I talked to the doctor about her fussy attitude and how easily she gets tired. She told me that some babies just need more sleep. So, I think she wears down after about a hour or so of playing because she goes 100 percent the whole time. She also said that she is a very strong-willed baby, which can sometimes be hard on mom and dad, but it will pay off in the future. That was my only concern at her 6-month checkup.
We love you Pumpkin Head!!!
is she at LRPedi... if she is we have met with her! she is awesome.
sounds like ms. caroline got a good report!! awesome!
hope you are feeling well.
YAY Caroline!! You are growing so beautifully and I love watching you every step of the way!! Tell Mommy great job on updating the blog! Please tell her to KEEP IT UP!!! Love you very much Caroline! Sleep really good for mommy and daddy.
Stephanie, Chad and Graham
She is so cute, I just want to squeeze her! Welcome back to the blogging world-we have missed you!
Caroline is just so very pretty!
I love all the new pictures and reading about her check-ups.
And I am so happy you are doing good!
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