I am trying my best to keep up with all the pictures I take of Caroline during her 6th month. I am pretty crazy about taking pictures of her. It is so much easier to now that she can sit up by herself. Here is a photo shoot before we went to Target last week. She loves playing with her shoes. She also loves my Raggedy Ann doll from when I was a little girl. I think it is the bright red hair!!
She is so adorable!
Thanks for the comment and info. I really hope he isn't going to be big, but I keep gaining weight like crazy and still measuring behind. Doesn't make sense! Don't you go to Dr Wiedower?
Love the pics, I could just pinch those cheeks =)
YEP, she's got some cheeks! Love the bow too!
I love her outfit and hairbow.
The color looks wonderful on her.
She looks so cute playing with her doll.
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